Ad Sponsors LOWEST RATES IN THE BUSINESS! NEVER GET SCAMMED BY ANOTHER E-CURRENCY PROVIDER USE THE BEST. BUY/SELL YOUR E-GOLD WITH THE INDUSTRY LEADER. You can make 75% up to 2 times a day with daily trades. Get paid for winning trades the same day. $100,000 in your pocket with ALLEY CAT PAYOFF. The best investment you can make, Is one that saves you $$$. PLUS GREAT AFFILIATE COMMISSIONS! Price is going up April 1st! $50-$500 A DAY IN THE FOREX MARKET. EARN $20 PER REFERRAL!!! FEATURED IN MONEY 'N PROFITS MAGAZINE ADVERTISE WITH US AND GET YOUR PROGRAM OR PRODUCT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE THAT WANT TO MAKE $$$$, WE HAVE GREAT NEW RATES. ALLEYCATNEWS@ALLEYCATNEWS.NET Alley Cat would like to thank our Sponsors for making this newsletter available for FREE. Disclaimer: We try and allow only quality HYIP's to advertise with us. We research the program BEFORE allowing it to advertise however we can not be held liable for any advertiser in this newsletter. Business Express Inc. DOES NOT ENDORSE ANY ADVERTISER .Business Express Inc. reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE AND IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.
MARCH 26TH, 2003 Each week Alley Cat will bring you the latest from the ONLINE Investment world. You will get the latest news on HYIP's, Games,(Which ones are SCAMS and which ones show potential), other Online Investments, solid money management strategies, along with Gold prices to make the most of your online currency, And anything else that relates to investing and money. This is a FREE NEWSLETTER we are able to make it available to EVERYONE because of our Sponsors. SO TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Give them this link and they can sign up for FREE
Attention AOL USERS, AOL isn't allowing our HTML newsletter to get through to you, you may be receiving the newsletter via Text. If you want the HTML version please use a yahoo address or you can check out our current issue of Alley Cat News HYIP on our Website, by click on the HYIP Newsletter Link. NEWS from the HYIP World GOLD PRICES fell below the support of $330 late last week as the war looked like it was going well. I still feel a quick war will result in a big drop in Gold. If Chemical weapons are used we will see Gold over $350 an ounce again very quickly. Between now and next newsletter will be key and I think we will know a lot more going into the 2nd week of War. Especially since Allied forces are so close to Baghdad. If Allied forces aren't in control of Baghdad by next newsletter more than likely Gold will be higher than it is currently. We at Alley Cat pray that troops and civilians on both sides stay safe, and hope it ends as quickly as possible.
ALWAYS LOG IN TO E-GOLD VIA bookmark it and use your bookmark to go to the site rather than via any e-mail or link online. PLEASE USE YOUR HEAD WHEN IT COMES TO E-MAIL. E-gold will NEVER e-mail you asking you to log in, so when you get an e-mail like that DELETE IT. FOREX SYSTEM TRADE OF THE WEEK This is a new feature you will find each week in Alley Cat HYIP News. Each week Erol Bortucene (who is the President and Author of the Forex Profit System) will supply Alley Cat with an actual trade the Forex Profit System (FPS) signaled during the week. The purpose of this feature is to show you real results of the system. This in no means is the only trade that took place this week, however it does show the profitability possible with the FPS system. The following is the description of the trade. Forex Profit System 'Trade of the Week': This week, on Monday Morning 5:45 PST/ 8:45 EST our Forex Profit System technical indicators (as outlined step-by-step in our trading system) signaled a buy in the GBP(British Pound)/US Dollar currency pair. If you entered and exited this trade (see chart) according to the FPS trading system, you could have profited approximately 37 pips. On a regular account that could have been a $370 profit with 1 contract traded or $740 with 2. **Please note: The FPS shows you how you can practice trading our system without spending a penny on real trades, with virtual money, until you are completely comfortable Forex trading. Plus you don't have to have any experience at all. Anyone can learn how to trade the Forex Market with our system. Yesterday, I had a very happy FPS customer who purchased the system 3 weeks ago emailed me yesterday and wrote "Erol, thanks a million for your help. I have been practicing and have not had a loss for 2 weeks now and think I am ready to start a live trade" Prior to her purchase of the system she had no knowledge at all of the Forex Markets and now she is ready to start trading. What are you waiting for? Act now and start trading YOUR money for profits! Kind Regards, President of FPS Trading, and author of the Forex Profit System:
"How To Earn $50 to $500 a Day Forex Trading From You can order the FPS system on our website. Starting April 1st, 2003 the Alley Cat Payoff System will have a new price. The new price will be $197. We feel it is truly the best information you can find. Where else are you going to find a $197 investment that can return $100,000 in savings? We will be doing a MAJOR marketing blitz to the general public as we feel this is extremely important information to have. GREAT NEWS WE ARE INCREASING THE AFFILIATE COMMISSION FOR THE PAYOFF SYSTEM TO $100!!! That's right for every sale that comes in through your affiliate link you will earn $100!! Do you know 20 people that have a mortgage? 20 sales would be $2,000 commission for you! With the new pricing we will also offer PERSONAL CALCULATIONS. We will be able to calculate how long it will be until your out of debt using the Alley Cat Payoff System, and how much interest you will save. The personal calculations take more work on our part and we wanted the affiliate commissions to be higher so we raised the price as of April 1st. We know the information is WELL WORTH IT, as there aren't too many places you can invest $197 for information and save $100,000. You still have time to purchase the information at the reduced price of $95, but only until April 1st. Personal Calculations and $100 affiliate commissions will start on April 1st. Check out the Alley Cat Payoff System before the price goes up.
If you want to become an affiliate for the Payoff and/or FOREX system go to....
Once you are an Affiliate you will be able to Log into the Affiliate area and view your sales along with banner ads you can use to advertise both Forex and Payoff Systems.
Alley Cat News NEVER RECOMMENDS AN HYIP PROGRAM. The only programs Alley Cat News ever recommends is the Forex System and Alley Cat Payoff. However Alley Cat performs Due Diligence on programs and will let our readers know of programs that have had a decent track record. In these cases we have personally spoken with the Program Admin., and will have the personal contact information available as well.
FOREX Affiliate BONUS!! You can be an affiliate of the FOREX Trading System for FREE. Just go to the site and register to become an affiliate. We will give you a link that you can promote for the FOREX Trading System and you will earn $20 per sale. AS AN ADDITIONAL BONUS, IN THE MONTH OF MARCH, the affiliate with the most sales will receive a $50 BONUS on top of the $20 per sale commission. Now is the perfect time to promote and earn commissions!! There is still time to be the # 1 affiliate for the Forex System and earn the $50 bonus. LAST WEEK TO GET YOUR AFFILIATE SALES FOR THE FOREX BONUS IN MARCH. Of course Alley Cat News always recommends you have as much control of your investment funds as possible. And one way of doing that is trading for yourself. You can trade for yourself in the FOREX market with the FOREX Trading System that Alley Cat News offers. . You can always find the current issue of Alley Cat News HYIP on the website HYIP Newsletter. The enhancements on the Alley Cat Payoff System are now complete. Those of you who purchased the Alley Cat Payoff System can view the changes, just log in to your account. For those of you who haven't purchased the Alley Cat Payoff System their has NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME. Many of you will save over $100,000 by using the Alley Cat Payoff System. BEST RATES ON E-GOLD AS LOW AS 2%. NEVER WORRY ABOUT SCAMS BY AN E-CURRENCY PROVIDER AGAIN USE THE BEST!! WEBSITE HOSTING ONLY $9.95 A MONTH! BETTER RATES
JUST BECAUSE WE INVEST IN THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS IN NO WAY MEANS WE ENDORSE OR GUARANTEE PAYMENTS FROM THE PROGRAMS. WE ARE INVESTORS JUST LIKE YOU. WE HAVE DONE SOME INITIAL HYIP SCREENING BUT YOU NEED TO DO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH. WE WILL END UP GETTING SCAMMED BY SOME PROGRAMS THAT WE INVEST IN. THAT'S JUST THE WAY IT IS. HOWEVER WITH GOOD MONEY MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH HOPEFULLY WE WILL MAKE A PROFIT IN THE END. We are currently in the following programs for our $200 TEST. 1. Trade for Gold Trade for Gold made an announcement this morning on their program. They will start daily trades in mid April, Weekly and their New Monthly option start next week. We are going put $10 in their weekly option and $10 in their monthly option. NET RESULT (-$3) 2. Betting Club We now own 18 Shares including the 10% commission they charge. We purchased the 18 total shares for $37.50. Current value of the 18 shares is $34.76. Doesn't look like they have made any trades since the last newsletter. Share Price is at $1.93. NET RESULT -($2.74) 3. Sports Wagers We have played them 3 times since last week $15 each bet and we won 1 and lost 2. Net result for Week -($18.75) We will play 3 games this weekend. NET RESULT + $3.75 4. Daily-Trades We are playing only the Evening trades and since last newsletter they have hit a losing streak and lost a few in a row. Since last newsletter we played Thursday evening and Sunday evening trade. They also mentioned on there site to hold off on spends until they get their trading corrected. We don't like the losses but we like the honesty and when you are able to view the trades via e-mail its nice accountability. Since last newsletter we had 2 losses so have lost -($30) for the week. We will wait to invest with them for a week or so to see how their trading goes for a little while. NET RESULT -($11.25)
$200 TEST ($32.09 Loss) $20 Risk at Trade for Gold, $37.50 at Betting Club, $45 at Sportswagers, $0 at Daily-trades Total $$$ at risk $102.50, $65.41 in Cash.
WE ARE A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER. YOU CAN LOOK FOR US IN YOUR E-MAIL BOX EACH WEDNESDAY FOR OUR $200 TEST, INFORMATION ON THE HYIP WORLD, AND OTHER ONLINE BUSINESS INFORMATION. Sponsor this e-mail 20K people only $30 Get your Program in front of 20,000! contact us for rates on Solo Ads. OUR ADVERTISERS GET RESULTS THAT IS WHY THEY KEEP COMING BACK. REFER SOMEONE TO OUR NEWSLETTER THAT ADVERTISES AT LEAST 1 TIME AND RECEIVE A FREE AD FOR YOURSELF!! Attention Merchants: Want FREE MARKETING FOR YOUR COMPANY? Accept Be-Cash as a payment for your product/services and we will add you to our BE-Cash Merchant site for FREE!! Get 100's of FREE HITS!!
Alley Cat would like to thank our Sponsors for making this newsletter available for FREE. Disclaimer: We try and allow only quality HYIP's to advertise with us. We research the program BEFORE allowing it to advertise however we can not be held liable for any advertiser in this newsletter. Business Express Inc. DOES NOT ENDORSE ANY ADVERTISER .Business Express Inc. reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE AND IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY For questions on advertising e-mail us at HYIPADS@ALLEYCATNEWS.NET Alley Cat News
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